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Hollow board turnover box, also known as logistics box

2017-11-04 num:

Hollow board turnover box, also known as logistics box, widely used in machinery, automobiles, electrical appliances, light industry, electron, etc., acid and alkali resistance, oil resistance, avirulent insipidity, can be used for serving food and so on, the clean is convenient, parts of convenience, neatly stacked, facilitate management. Its reasonable design, fine quality, suitable for the transportation, distribution, storage, circulation processing and other links in the logistics of factories.

The hollow plate, developed by Italy in the 1980s, is an international emerging packaging material, which has been widely popularized and applied in western developed countries and is quietly emerging in China. Characteristics of hollow board: plastic hollow plate is nontoxic, tasteless, moisture-proof, corrosion resistant, light weight, beautiful appearance and rich color, pure and other characteristics. Performance: it has anti-folding, anti-aging, strong bearing strength, stretching, compression, tearing and high temperature.


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